Saturday, January 3, 2009

Racial Profiling Middle Easterners at Airports

Of course, the family of 9 was Muslim. In the LA Times today was a story about a Muslim family removed from the plane, then AirTran refused to let them back on. All because two white teenagers heard two of the 9 talking about where the safest part of the plane was.

If this seems legitimate to you, let's take this from another stance. Would this have happened to a white family of 9? Would 9 family members from a white family even be traveling together? But if they were, would this have happened to them if, say, two teenagers who were from the Middle East reported them? Doubtful again.

The TSA justified what AirTran officials did because they said that it was according to protocol. Which protocol? The "violate your civil rights" protocol if you're of color or the "safety first" protocol which seems to justify violating civil rights? If, that is, you're colored. Interesting how the issue of civil rights, human rights, gets glossed right over when white people seem concerned about what colored people are doing. But they are sooo concerned about human rights when they talk about China and the Chinese government's treatment of their minorities. No one ever thinks about how the U.S. government treats its minorities.

Who says that racism and racial profiling isn't still institutionalized?

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