Saturday, January 24, 2009

Faith's Role in Offering Succor

People who are religious will frequently assert that their faith offers succor and solace during difficult times. Death, financial difficulties, work, these are all potential arenas that those who are religious will say that they could not survive if they had not their religion to rely on.

One woman, a Mormon, admitted that during these financially difficult times, she knew that from past experience, she would get through this time, as well. Furthermore, that she knew God would make things alright, though perhaps that result may not come in the form she expects or desires. The past had told her that.

What is really interesting about this is that those who are either agnostic or atheistic, not just towards Christian religions, but towards Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, as well, can experience exactly the same thing.

Therefore, if one experiences tragedy or personal difficulty, unless it results in death, one knows that one will survive. Things will, eventually, be alright. And despite the length of time one was in difficult times, one knows it will pass. Because one knows this from past experience. And one again experiences periods of joy, happiness or contentment.

This is neither an argument for or against religion. It's just an observation that while those who have religious faith think that their faith in the future is exclusive to their belief in a higher being, those without religion experience the same faith that they, too, will be alright. They, however, do not have that higher being in whom they can place that faith/knowledge.

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