Saturday, September 27, 2008

You Can Look it Up: McCain Lies in the Debate

McCain cannot help himself. He lies even when debating. He lied when he said that Barack Obama voted to increase people's taxes who make $42,000. Of course. Because McCain has shown himself to be like BUSH/Cheney/ROVE: do whatever it takes to win, lie louder and longer and hopefully, people won't notice that you have no platform:

1: no tax relief for 95% of our population
2: no health care plan to cover the uninsured CHILDREN he says he cares about
3: no plan to take care of GI's and Veterans
4: no plan to improve education

In short, McCain is WORSE than Bush because he has even less plans. All he talks about? He loves the troops, though he has voted against every GI and Veterans bill during his tenure as senator. Hmm.

See the LA Times article on McCain's lies.

And as for Palin, does the word hypocrite mean anything? From the Washington Post:

Sarah Palin has taken 41 gifts totaling $25,367
"Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, who has made a crackdown on gift-giving to state officials a centerpiece of her ethics reform agenda, has accepted gifts valued at $25,367 from industry executives, municipalities and a cultural center whose board includes officials from some of the largest mining interests in the state, a review of state records shows."

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