Monday, September 22, 2008

Get Out and Vote!

A friend who was listening to Amy Goodman last week on the radio heard this lament, paraphrased: Obama was leaning "towards the middle" and appeared to be compromising on his early stances.

This is one step away from saying, "Well, they're the same, McCain and Obama."

Isn't this the argument people were using when Kerry was running against Bush in 2004? I think it is safe to say they are NOT the same. We would not be spending billions of dollars on the Iraq Imperial Invasion and we would not have done things like "fix" the K-12 educational crisis by merely testing students every year using culturally-biased testing.

And to those who protest that Obama will compromise, taking a "moral high ground" is by definition naive. There is too much at stake during this election and they are NOT the same. Do you really want Palin as a possible president?? Do you want to be the spoiler? Several states are in contestation, and sorry to say, but if you are not part of the solution, what are you?

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