In case this is of concern, the tab is $700 billion dollars.
See the LATimes
The irony of course is that this is bigger government than anything ever done in the past by either party. But the hypocrisy is that Republicans are always clamoring for "smaller government."
Translation: We don't want to pay for any programs that do not directly benefit our own pet projects, i.e.earmarks. Sarah Palin's Bridge to Nowhere ring any bells? Indeed, it appears Republicans are not concerned with helping anyone who actually needs it:
1) Children without health care insurance: we're only discussing giving them reasonable ACCESS, here.
2) Single parents: Because, after all, they must be colored, right?
3) Lower ratio of Teacher-to-Student: Let's just test our students, rather than actually improving teacher pay, infrastructure, and access for all people, no matter their social and economic class, let alone their race.
It certainly does appear that Republicans are for Big Government--when it suits them.
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