Sunday, September 7, 2008

The Presidential Race

With the stakes so high, it is impossible not to enter the discourse. To preface, the Mccain/Palin ticket have implied that the Obama/Biden ticket, and their Democratic ilk, are "poverty pimps" and "limousine liberals." Implying that while these Democrats may profess concern for the general populace, they are neither in touch with, nor are they interested in, helping those people. In short, Democrats are presumably elites. Republicans represent the "people" since they are like them. Many forget that though most people thought George Bush seemed "nice" and that they could "break bread" with him, in actuality he is an elite, extremely wealthy oil man, like his V.P.: it's simply that he talks like an idiot.

Lest we forget certain facts.

1: Obama's mother was the quintessential single American mother who pulled herself up from her bootstraps to help herself and her son, and later daughter, succeed. That this is so successfully masked by the dominant Republican discourse exemplifies the power of shouting lies about Obama's "elitism": soon, people will listen to your lies, no matter how blatantly false the information is. By the way, what is wrong with having an intelligent, educated president? We've already had eight years of a dumb one.

2. In re: family values. If Biden's oldest daughter were a hard-drinking, party-hearty gal of seventeen, you can bet the Republicans would not agree that she were "off limits" but aver that this is indicative of the decadence of the Democratic ticket. Instead, and we must not forget this, it is the Republicans who are dissipated, decadent, and out of touch. Sarah Palin's daughter is an underage, hard-partying child of a father who advocates cessation from the union. This is who could be the first lady and f
irst man if John Mccain gets ill? Frightening. See photos below.

3. For those who are still feeling hurt about Hillary, it is reasonable and understandable. If Obama had lost, it would be the same for many others. But unlike the 2000 and 2004 campaigns, during which many could be heard to say, "They're the same," this is not the case. Two words:


The two oldest members will most likely retire this next term. They are John Paul Stevens, 88 and Ruth Bader Ginsburg, 75. Stephen Breyer is 69. Bush has already appointed two justices and we already see the tightening of our civil rights. For those of you concerned about that, remember, these people will decide not only your civil rights over the next thirty years, but whether women have the right to not "choose" but DETERMINE what they can and cannot do.

1 comment:

  1. Republican politicians are MEAN. They LIE. By the way, why is it so great for "soccer moms" to be compared to pit bulls? Why is that considered acceptable, let alone a GOOD IDEA??? When will Republicans stop being so entitled and start taking some of that personal RESPONSIBILITY they talk of? Where are the family values Republican politicians always speak of but find it so difficult to actually display? Think of all the corrupt Republican politicans who have lost their jobs in the past two years--that is, after all, why they lost so many congressional seats and why so many of them (think Texas) were defending themselves in court.



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