Monday, March 9, 2009

Discrimination Against "Same-Sex" Marriage and Autism in "Liberal" California

California is not a liberal state. Witness how we are making an entire class of people institutionally discriminated against. We are denying them rights we consider basic to the most destitute Tibetans. Think not? Visit any "Free Tibet" website and see how hypocritical we are.

Oh, so you think this is a debate about religion? It isn't. It is about demarcating what is "authoritative" "normal" and what passes for "legitimate", especially in the eyes of the law.

So, an entire sector of the population continues to be denied their rights. To have the same protections as people who just happen to be heterosexual. Think it's abnormal to be homosexual? Ever read any of the European Classics? From Greece?

Talk about denying people their Human Rights, let alone Civil Rights.

Hypocrisy. Nothing short. The LA Times has done a series on this issue, and they bear examination: 1, 2.

And now that it appears that the State Supreme Court will uphold the "law" all I can say is, I am ashamed.

And as for the discrimination against those with Autism, this is a severe blow to those people who have children with any form of Autism, from Asperger's Syndrome to the full-blown Autistic cases.

Discrimination, pure and simple. Having worked for Ivar Lovaas at UCLA before he formed the actual "Lovaas Institute", I can attest to the astonishingly effective, yet labor intensive work that autistic children require. They also require intervention at a very young age.

For insurance companies to not only deny such care, but to redefine what comprises necessary care for these people is shameless.

And it is a certainty that these are the same people who decry abortion as "killing an unborn child."

Too bad they don't care about these children once they are born with severe illnesses that need equally intense treatments.

Hypocrisy is apparently live and rampant in California.

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